Registration and payment due March 1st. $50 per athlete for all-star and club programs, $30 per crossover athlete (first entry is full price, subsequent team $30 each), $25 per athletes for high school cheer and dance teams, $30 for specialty entries (solo, duo, trio, stunt group, mascot). Rosters will need to be emailed to [email protected] by March 1st and a waiver/consent form will be sent for each athlete and parent/guardian to complete. Entries paid after March 1st will be assessed a 10% late fee of the total entry. Visa/Mastercard accepted with a 5% convenience fee. Checks can be sent to Helena Athletic Club, 3340 McHugh Lane, Helena, MT 59602 and must be postmarked by March 1st.
Jumps and tumbling competition will be available for registration on site the day of the event, $10/athlete. Entries are limited.
Cheer Olympics is no cost and available as room allows.